For pre-colouring of wooden floors and furniture
VOC: | 165 g/l, VOC-grænseværdi (A/l (VB)): 200 g/l. |
Massefylde: | 1.10-1.20 g/ml. |
PH: | pH 8-9 |
Holdbarhed: | 3 år |
Rækkeevne: | 40-50 m²/L |
Farver: | Natur |
Opbevaring: | +10-25°C. Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn. Må ikke udsættes for høje temperaturer eller direkte sol. Opbevares frostfrit om vinteren og køligt om sommeren. |
Emballage: | 10 L |
Viskositet: | 20-25 Sek. DIN Cup 4 |
Tørstofindhold: | 10-20% |
The Industrial Stain System consists of water-based colorants designed to provide colour on all types of wood in a simple and fast way. The system enhances the natural variations in the wood, and modern and unique colour solutions can be achieved in combination with WOCA air-drying and UV-drying oils. The seven base colorants are available as ready-to-use colours, or they can be used as a unique colour mixing system.