Twist Mop complete

Numéro d'article:

Hard-surface Floor Cleaner

  • Professional quality
  • Built-in wringing
  • For all types of hard-surfaces floors
  • Gently removal of dirt without scratching

1 L

Détails du produit

  • La description
  • Caractéristiques
  • Fiche technique
  • Fiche de données de sécurité

durée de conservation:

3 années



Nettoyage des outils:

Utiliser de l’eau chaude


1 L

Efficient cotton mop with a hands-free wringing that cleans all types of hard-surface flooring.

Étapes de travail

Products in use
The cotton mop can be washed at 40°C by removing the mophead. Turn the whole mop upside down. Grasp the tube firmly and unscrew the mophead. Thread the tube through the strands, halfway down, and remove the mophead over the opposite end. Replace mophead in reverse way.