Industrial Oil 2000

Numéro d'article:

Fast-drying industrial oxidizing oil for wooden floors

  • Fast air-drying oil
  • Endless choices of customized colours 
  • Easy application on a variety of processes 
  • Generates well-tested durable wooden floors 

10 L
20 L

Détails du produit

  • La description
  • Caractéristiques
  • Fiche technique
  • Fiche de données de sécurité


385 g/l, teneur maximale en COV (A/f (PS)): 700 g/l.


0.90-0.95 g/ml.

durée de conservation:

3 années


25-40 m²/L


Naturel, Noyer, Antique


+10-25°C. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Ne pas exposer à la chaleur (par ex. au soleil). A conservez à l’abri du gel en hiver et au frais en été.


10 L, 20 L


25-30 Sec. DIN Cup 4

Teneur en matière sèche:


Durcissement complet:

7 jours à 20°C

Industrial Oil 2000 is a fast air-drying oil with high solid content and high penetration. It is very receptive to coloured pigments, allowing the creation of exceptionally powerful colours, and is ideal for creation of customized colour solutions in combination with stains. The oil is based on natural vegetable oils and ensures a durable wood floor combined with an effective and flexible roller coater application.

Étapes de travail

Products in use
The wood must be clean, dry and free from dust.

  • Final sanding grit 120-150
  • Use smooth rubber roller shore 15-25 natural rubber or nitrile rubber
  • Apply 20-25 gr/m2
  • Or manually
Even out
  • Use minimum two nylon brushes. 1st runs counterwise and 2nd runs counter-clockwise
  • Or remove oil by cloth
Hot air oven
  • Temperature 35-40 °C and good ventilation
  • Or drying on racks
  • 4-6 h by 20 °C
Intermediate sanding
  • Use sandingpaper grit 400-500
  • Use smooth rubber roller shore 15-25 natural rubber or nitrile rubber
  • Apply 5-10 gr/m2
  • Or manually
Even out
  • Use minimum two nylon brushes. 1st runs counterwise and 2nd runs counter-clockwise
  • Or remove oil by cloth
Hot air oven
  • Temperature 35-40 °C and good ventilation
  • Or drying on racks
  • 12 h by 20 °C before packing
Viscosity correction: Correction can be made with WOCA Solvent only, #328575I.