Industrial Stain System

Numéro d'article:

For pre-colouring of wooden floors and furniture

  • Unique look
  • Instant colouration
  • Can match colours of smoked and thermo-treated wood
  • Can be used on all types of wood
  • Must be treated afterwards with WOCA oils

10 L
5 L

Détails du produit

  • La description
  • Caractéristiques
  • Fiche technique
  • Fiche de données de sécurité


165 g/l, teneur maximale en COV (A/l (PA)): 200 g/l.


1.10-1.20 g/ml.

Valeur du pH :

pH 8-9

durée de conservation:

2 années


40-50 m²/L


Blanc, Naturel


+10-25°C. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Ne pas exposer à la chaleur (par ex. au soleil). A conservez à l’abri du gel en hiver et au frais en été.


5 L, 10 L


20-25 Sec. DIN Cup 4

Teneur en matière sèche:


The Industrial Stain System consists of water-based colorants designed to provide colour on all types of wood in a simple and fast way. The system enhances the natural variations in the wood, and modern and unique colour solutions can be achieved in combination with WOCA air-drying and UV-drying oils. The seven base colorants are available as ready-to-use colours, or they can be used as a unique colour mixing system.

Étapes de travail

Products in use
The wood must be clean, dry and free from dust.

  • Final sanding grit 120-150
  • 40-60 gr/m2
  • 20-30 gr/m2
  • Or use sponge roller
  • Use sponge roller shore 5 or type 2 or type 3
  • Apply 20-25 gr/m2
  • Or use spraymachine
Even out
  • Use minimum two nylon brushes. 1st runs counterwise and 2nd runs counter-clockwise
Hot air oven
  • Temperature 50-60 °C and good ventilation
  • Or stacking on racks
  • 3-4 h by 20 °C
Intermediate sanding
  • Use sandingpaper grit 240-320
  • After sanding apply a WOCA Treat product
Can be diluted with Industrial Stain Base, Natural to obtain the required colour strength.